Eleanor: I’m honored you asked me to come with ya to look for the bird again, but shouldn’t Maribelle be doin’ this with us?
Betty: Maribelle and I aren’t talking right now. So, I asked you since you’re already in on it.
Eleanor: Ah well, that makes sense. So, is there a reason we are in a different section of the woods.
Betty: No ones looked here yet. So I figured I would. We would…
Eleanor: laughs It’s okay. I’ll help you look for the guardian or his tree circles.
Betty: Thanks. I know back here there’s some type of grove right on the river. It’s got a lot of willow trees and such.
Eleanor: I know exactly where you’re talkin’ bout.
Foot steps
Betty: Woah, what’s this?
Eleanor: It looks like some kind of shrine to...the guardian.
Betty: Look a fresh bird circle...gross I wow gross
Eleanor: Take a photo. Take lots of photos!
Camera clicking
Betty: Hey, a purple piece of cloth. I wonder if it’s from a robe.
Eleanor: Why a robe?
Betty: Penny was taken by someone in a purple robe.
Eleanor: Well let’s take it with us.
Betty: No, we need to leave it for when I bring Maribelle tomorrow.
Eleanor: Okay I’m going down the river a bit.
Betty: Yell if you find anything.
Camera clicking
Eleanor: Betty come quick! Come quick!
Betty: Woah...is that
Eleanor: Some type of sacrificial altar? Looks like it.
Camera clicking
Betty: Oh no. I-I think I found something that was Penny’s.
Eleanor: You did!
Betty: This ring box...it’s got...yeah, it’s got the ring she was going to propose to Maribelle with.
Eleanor:You understand what this means right?
Betty: I-
Eleanor: (monotone in the same tone as the guardian) Say yes if you understand
Betty: I understand. Pennys dead.
Maribelle: If you have any information about Penny you can reach us on Twitter @findingpennypod any and all help is more than welcome. Pen...if you’re out there please come home. Love, your Belle.